Blockchain Rio Experience
In September of 2022, the largest Blockchain event in Latin America took place, Neocoder was present and shares this experience and the importance of big events to the Brazilian ecosystem.

Between September 1st and 4th, 2022, Neocoder was able to experience the largest event dedicated to the blockchain ecosystem in Latin America, the Blockchain Rio Festival - held in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Well located, the event had a planned structure in a space of 13,500 m², between warehouses 4 and 5 of Píer Mauá, central area of one of the most beautiful Brazilian cities.
The diversity of the audience was divided between exhibitors, speakers, investors and users of the multiple features and services available from this technology. Projects related to NFT, metaverse, fintechs, green techs, web3 and social impact actions were present; representatives of exchanges, cryptocurrencies, wallets; educational institutions with their innovation and technology chairs.
Thousands of people were present, willing to get to know different projects, exchange experiences and, above all, build partnerships. The different perspectives and interests converged on a single will - to expand and strengthen the blockchain ecosystem in Brazilian territory - aligning interests from the business, technology, innovation and social transformation to the scenario of the current debates about the regulation of cryptocurrencies in Brazil.

When we deal with marketing specifically, we understand the responsibility for building relationships between brands and people
The experience allowed Neocoder to get to know it better and to become more integrated into the network that sustains this ecosystem and in direct contact with the public, strengthening its understanding of the importance of the user. They are the focus of the development of new proposals for digital experience and feed the innovation factor in such fertile ground.
Direct contact with the public and understanding of user centrality is essential for the sustainability of any digital ecosystem, precisely because we are dealing with the experience. We can take as an example digital financial initiatives, where the individual user experience needs to be thought of in order to facilitate and guarantee the security of their transactions. As well as proposals for collective experiences, such as building communities around a virtual reality and developing a digital economy in metaverse games - as in the play-to-earn logic along with the acquisition of tokens and integrations relating the functionality of the game to real-world uses.
Neocoder's experience strengthened the understanding of the importance of interaction between people in the “real world”, even when dealing with strong engagements and innovations around the digital universe. When we deal with marketing specifically, we understand the responsibility for building relationships between brands and people, as well as for managing the impacts of these relationships, creating bridges of identification between individuals, and building engaged communities and experiences that are satisfying.
And it is precisely around people that the blockchain ecosystem is built, without dialogue and mutual understanding of desires as users, developers and investors, it is not possible to address the guidelines for the evolution and strengthening of this ecosystem. Without understanding what the real needs and experiences desired by users are, there is no substance needed for innovations, acquisitions, sales and engagement - that is, there will be no identified community with experiences, products, services and values of any corporations.
In the midst of the digital age, initiatives such as the Blockchain Rio Festival are still very necessary, allowing people to meet, the experience of sharing ideas, desires and challenges. And if indeed individuals and corporations intend to develop this rich technological ecosystem, they should support and participate in this type of initiative. In this way, you will get to know your potential partners and customers, actually building your community - and of course, generating even more revenue.