Blockchain Rio Experience

In September of 2022, the largest Blockchain event in Latin America took place, Neocoder was present and shares this experience and the importance of big events to the Brazilian ecosystem.

Photo by Rodrigo Freitas

Between September 1st and 4th, 2022, Neocoder was able to experience the largest event dedicated to the blockchain ecosystem in Latin America, the Blockchain Rio Festival - held in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Well located, the event had a planned structure in a space of 13,500 m², between warehouses 4 and 5 of Píer Mauá, central area of ​​one of the most beautiful Brazilian cities.

The diversity of the audience was divided between exhibitors, speakers, investors and users of the multiple features and services available from this technology. Projects related to NFT, metaverse, fintechs, green techs, web3 and social impact actions were present; representatives of exchanges, cryptocurrencies, wallets; educational institutions with their innovation and technology chairs.

Thousands of people were present, willing to get to know different projects, exchange experiences and, above all, build partnerships. The different perspectives and interests converged on a single will - to expand and strengthen the blockchain ecosystem in Brazilian territory - aligning interests from the business, technology, innovation and social transformation to the scenario of the current debates about the regulation of cryptocurrencies in Brazil.

Photo by Rodrigo Freitas

When we deal with marketing specifically, we understand the responsibility for building relationships between brands and people

The experience allowed Neocoder to get to know it better and to become more integrated into the network that sustains this ecosystem and in direct contact with the public, strengthening its understanding of the importance of the user. They are the focus of the development of new proposals for digital experience and feed the innovation factor in such fertile ground.

Direct contact with the public and understanding of user centrality is essential for the sustainability of any digital ecosystem, precisely because we are dealing with the experience. We can take as an example digital financial initiatives, where the individual user experience needs to be thought of in order to facilitate and guarantee the security of their transactions. As well as proposals for collective experiences, such as building communities around a virtual reality and developing a digital economy in metaverse games - as in the play-to-earn logic along with the acquisition of tokens and integrations relating the functionality of the game to real-world uses.

Neocoder's experience strengthened the understanding of the importance of interaction between people in the “real world”, even when dealing with strong engagements and innovations around the digital universe. When we deal with marketing specifically, we understand the responsibility for building relationships between brands and people, as well as for managing the impacts of these relationships, creating bridges of identification between individuals, and building engaged communities and experiences that are satisfying.

And it is precisely around people that the blockchain ecosystem is built, without dialogue and mutual understanding of desires as users, developers and investors, it is not possible to address the guidelines for the evolution and strengthening of this ecosystem. Without understanding what the real needs and experiences desired by users are, there is no substance needed for innovations, acquisitions, sales and engagement - that is, there will be no identified community with experiences, products, services and values ​​of any corporations.

In the midst of the digital age, initiatives such as the Blockchain Rio Festival are still very necessary, allowing people to meet, the experience of sharing ideas, desires and challenges. And if indeed individuals and corporations intend to develop this rich technological ecosystem, they should support and participate in this type of initiative. In this way, you will get to know your potential partners and customers, actually building your community - and of course, generating even more revenue.

Photo by Rodrigo Freitas

Blockchain Top Trends 2023

With great innovative potential and the ability to exercise multiple functionalities, Blockchain has been the target of major investments in the development of services and solutions in the new digital age.

Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash

Blockchain is one of the fastest growing technologies today, a target of large investments for its development and increasingly innovative perspectives to its uses. Initially, it became famous for being the platform responsible for enabling the creation and transaction of the most famous cryptocurrency so far invented, Bitcoin. However, being characterized as a database, with a decentralized network, encrypted and with strong inviolability, it allows its uses to go far beyond cryptocurrencies.

The indicatives reveal the understanding of Blockchain as a Service (BaaS), mobilizing the creation of new utilities of this technology, being Blockchain capable of welcoming new initiatives and large solutions in an agile and safe way, investments when using blockchain are lower and less complex. Although currently most corporations investing in these solutions are large, the trend is that more and more medium and small businesses explore this universe.

It is estimated that in the year 2022, 11.7 billion USD will be committed to blockchain solutions in companies, making use of their smart contracts, and solutions in logistics, security, and intellectual property, for example. Below we can follow some of its main trends for this year.

Sustainable Blockchain Initiatives

Photomontage by Neocoder

According to the history of its popularization itself, it is crossed by the emergence of Bitcoin, where the proof-of-work mechanism related to the mining of this cryptocurrency indicates a high level of electricity consumption, including confirmation of its transactions. In this way, initiatives that are capable of using alternative mechanisms, such as proof-of-stake, will gain prominence. And also other innovative solutions using Blockchain technology to act directly or indirectly in reducing carbon emissions across the planet.

Projects with physical ballast

One of the new trends in the blockchain and cryptocurrency universe is projects in the real world, offering services in exchange for a fee on the blockchain, generating revenue, and adding liquidity directly to the project pool. Initiatives with these ideals have taken place directly in Brazil and started a trend of great importance and usefulness for the crypto world, in addition to providing greater security and adding liquidity through services in the field of traditional businesses. Some successful projects we've had related to these themes are Nelore Coin, iMov, and Abacate Token, among others.


People wearing VR smartphone headset in an event
Photo by Stephan Sorkin on Unsplash

Metaverse is positioned as one of the great and most robust novelties promoted by Blockchain technology, integrating itself with the idea of ​​virtual reality and augmented reality. And since it is a 3D universe constituted by the connection between several virtual ecosystems, where it is possible to dynamically interact with other users, cryptocurrencies are the foundation for the establishment of a digital economy. Companies such as Google and Microsoft have been developing initiatives in this direction, as well as Facebook's change to the name Meta reinforces the great interest of large corporations in the development of Metaverse, opening the way for future small and medium-sized initiatives.

Cryptocurrencies regulation and adoption growth

Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

In 2021, El Salvador became the first country to consider Bitcoin as a legal currency, being accepted for the payment of the most diverse goods and services. This is a trend in several other countries, mainly due to the advances in the debates about the regulation of cryptocurrencies. Brazil has been dedicated to creating specific legislation to regulate the cryptocurrency sector, in the Chamber of Deputies, bill 2.303/15 indicates the creation of a regulatory and supervisory body for exchanges that seek to develop their activities in the country. As well as nations around the world have been discussing the adoption of digital national currencies, such as China, Singapore, and Japan. These types of initiatives will become increasingly common, as regulatory mechanisms are gradually implemented.

Web 3

Vision of Ethereum BlockChain
Photo by Batyrkhan Shalgimbekov on Unsplash

In the year 2023, we will be able to witness further developments of what was presented to us by Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum, as Web 3. The proposal is for a decentralized internet as a counterpoint to the current centralization framework, where the control of the content and information available on the network is concentrated in the hands of large corporations. Gartner proposes that most of the largest companies (+40%) on the planet will use a mix of technologies such as Augmented Reality, Web3, and digital twins, in Metaverse development with a focus on revenue generation.

Blockchain and IoT

Image by

A proposal for greater integration between Blockchain technology and the process Internet of Things (IoT) is capable of proposing a diversity of services related to the automation of processes and transactions between machines carried out in digital processes, for example. And with a larger 5G network, one of the greatest potentials for connectivity between devices, a great potential of connected networks between devices, one of the interconnected computing networks, and the possibility of huge implementation, benefiting from the level of security and scalability integrated with immutability, encryption Blockchain database. In addition to data transmission speed, Artificial Intelligence has one of the biggest advancement factors in the IoT area and has been anticipated in its AI results.

Brazilian Crypto Market Trends 2022

In the process of discussing the regularization of cryptocurrencies, the largest economy in Latin America and the fifth largest global cryptocurrency market, in 2022, Brazil reaffirms itself as one of the hottest crypto markets in the world.

by Getty Images

When dealing with the cryptocurrency market, Brazil is recognized as one of the hottest markets and undoubtedly the most prominent in Latin America, including being the largest economy on the continent. The country is positioned as the 7th largest crypto market in the world, studies point to an index of 7,7% of the population, that is, 16 million cryptocurrency investors, behind only the USA, India, Russia, and Nigeria. (Sugeri alterar os dados para manter alinhado com os dados nas landing pages)

One of the most prominent factors, capable of further enhancing the use of this market potential, is related to the development of specific legislation to regulate the cryptocurrency sector. In the Chamber of Deputies, bill 2.303/15 indicates creating a regulatory and supervisory body for exchanges that seek to develop their activities in Brazil.

In this way, investors will be able to operate with a greater margin of safety with exchanges, the indicators do not suggest a regulation of the value of coins, but rather to curb any types of criminal actions. This type of regulation has enormous advantages, as it is possible to create a more favorable environment for investors and enterprises in the sector. In addition, with higher yields, a certain portion of these revenues can be invested in security and innovation solutions, job creation, products, and services - this indicates the development and strengthening of an ecosystem supported by crypto-assets.

The paths point to an increasing approximation between traditional markets and the structures of the digital economy, as is already the case with investment in cryptocurrencies through ETFs. As well as the alignment between banks and exchanges will be feasible, with the improvement of digital wallets, integrating them with crypto assets, in addition to the development of services and products in the sphere of tokenization.

The regulation will offer the necessary legal certainty to meet the challenge of popularizing the crypto universe, allowing cryptocurrencies to be accepted as a form of payment in everyday activities, increasing its reach to a multitude of people, many of them interested not only in owning the asset as a basis for investment.

...its city hall had already announced its interest in allowing the payment of taxes with Bitcoin, offering discounts to the taxpayer. (...) While the Central Bank evaluates the opportunity to create Real Digital.

Rio de Janeiro is a Brazilian city that seeks to run ahead in the development of an ecosystem based on cryptocurrencies, its city hall has already announced its interest in allowing the payment of taxes with Bitcoin, offering discounts to the taxpayer. And, in March 2022, it authorized the receipt in Bitcoin for the payment of real estate taxes, becoming the first Brazilian city to do so. While the Central Bank evaluates the opportunity to create Real Digital.

With this, Brazil strengthens its position as a significant consumer market for cryptocurrencies, seeking to develop its regulatory bases to exploit its economic potential to the fullest, integrating it with crypto assets and the resources offered by the digital economy. With the necessary legal certainty, cryptocurrencies will access the daily lives of a greater part of its population, the suspicions that still exist will be more easily overcome and the Brazilian crypto ecosystem will become even more attractive.

Featured LATAM Exchanges

Latin American exchanges outline ways to be attractive to the local population and competitive with global companies.

Photomontage by Neocoder

Latin America is historically characterized by economic instability and high inflation rates, these have been one point of great relevance for a large number of cryptocurrencies adopted by the local population. In addition, another highlight on the continent has been the local crypto exchanges that, in addition to their local success, have offered more attractive rates of return than the large global corporations dedicated to this type of service.

To better reflect this situation in numbers, we can indicate that Latin American exchanges offer annual rates of return of up to 15% compared to the 9% offered by other global companies in stablecoins.

The most prominent countries on the continent in the fintech innovation sector are Mexico, Brazil and Colombia

In addition to the seductive rates of return, the debates around the regulation of cryptocurrencies, the performance of exchanges, and other fintech have heated the entire ecosystem that revolves around digital financial solutions. The major countries on the continent in the fintech innovation sector are Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia, while the first mentioned Ley Fintech as a regulatory landmark in the fintech sector (2018), Brazil is making great strides around the fintech sector. thematic with the bill 2.303/15.

In this way, we will present some of the outstanding exchanges on the continent, indicating the positioning of the most prominent ones in the CoinMarketCap ranking and their respective score* according to the platform.

*Criteria for developing the score of exchanges according to CoinMarketCap - Web Traffic Factor; Average Liquidity and Volume. Source: CoinMarketCap


Mercado Bitcoin





As we can see, in the Latin American continent, in addition to a large consumer market and a population that is increasingly receptive to the adoption of cryptocurrencies, local exchanges have made great efforts to seduce more and more customers. Bitso in Mexico and Mercado Bitcoin in Brazil are examples of the great adhesion of their countrymen to their financial platforms.

And although there is still a greater emphasis on foreign companies at a global level, the facilities concerning the language or the possibility of articulating a service offer with local currencies easily, the more popular cryptocurrencies become in Latin America, the more your supporters can opt for local exchanges.